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Help S and D share Jesus in Central Asia

Image of S and D
“God’s plan has always been to save people from every nation, tribe, and language. Sadly, over 2000 years since Christ came, there are still many places with few Christians, no churches, and no access to the gospel. It’s our ambition (Rom 15:20) to be part of preaching the gospel where Christ is not yet known.” - S and D

S and D need a group of committed friends and family to prayerfully and financially establish their long-term ministry in Central.

Sam and Dani will train for cross-cultural ministry at St Andrew’s Hall from January 2024. After this, they will build partnerships with Australian churches before, God-willing, leaving for Central Asia in early 2025.

Your generous support in this launch fund will go towards training and establishing S and D’s ministry in Central Asia, which includes:

Will you be part of the team who helps to establish S and D’s vital ministry?



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